Water Faucets



The top picture is of a typical water faucet from a hutong (traditional urban neighborhood).  If you look at the picture on the bottom, you will see a mason jar in front of the bike.  There is a small green roof over this jar.  This is the location of one of these faucets.  Hutongs do have running water, but not every home has its own faucet.  Typically, one faucet would be used by numerous families.  Thirty people (or more) could all use the same faucet as their main water source for their home.



  1. What do you think happens to the faucet in the winter?
  2. How is the water transported from the faucet to their home?
  3. You calculated how much water you use.  Do some calculations on how much water you think a Chinese family in this type of neighborhood would use.  Show your calculations and your reasoning.